Net profit or net loss on financial operations 42 20 0 eur-lex. The calc ul ation of extra cos ts may not fully capture a ll operating be ne fits, since the benefits are not deducted over the life tim e of t he investment. By contrast, proceeds flowing from the sale by the undertaking of tradable permits issued unde r the E uropean Trading System will no t be d eem ed to co nstit ute operating ben efit s eur-lex. Blog Press Information Linguee Apps.Įligible costs must be calculate d net of a ny operating be nefi ts and o perating costs related to the extra investment and arising during the first five years of the life of this investment, as set out in points 81 to This means that such operat in g benefits m us t be deducted and such operating costs may be added t o the e xtra investment costs. Linguee Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Translator Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Propune un exemplu.Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. A boxing gym that can generate extra revenue with exercise classes. A catalogued index of our earnings reports. Un index catalogat a raporturilor de venituri. The owner of the park didn't want to lose revenue by shutting down the pools and repairing them. I don't have the disposable income you do. Imagine the Middle East without oil incomebut with collapsing governments. You do understand that this level of income is not sustainable. You're like a rockstar without the income. The amount of such revenue is estimated at EUR So Sony is generating revenue from both of these. Cuantumul acestor venituri este estimat la EUR. Quick question Such contributions shall be managed by the ESDC as earmarked revenue. I'll send you my earnings report right now. The middle income countries, the emerging economy, they are catching up. The amounts received would, however, constitute taxable income. From the wine they make of the rice The amounts collected on behalf of the principal are not revenue. Rezultate: Exacte: Toate drepturile rezervate.